May Flash and Booking
Hello and welcome to May Flash and Booking! As always, in order to book a session with me, please respond directly to this email or send a separate email to Booking guidelines are in the second portion of the email body.
This month I will be doing something a little different: the bare minimum. Lucky for all of you there will be no unprovoked pontificating about nature & consciousness this time around since I am slowly coming back to life after having more human interaction in a very condensed time than I have had literally in the last 3 years combined- this also means that this round of booking will include recycled flash! All (except one!) of these options have been available to snag in the past and have thus far gone unclaimed. Here is your golden opportunity to right the wrong of sleeping on these absolute beauties. Sorry for any disappointment, I promise (?) by next month I will have found something ancient to be overly excited about and will get back to my usual navelgazing.
Here goes nothing!
Booking is first come, first served. Please respond to this email to the desired date/dates you are looking to book, the number of the flash piece you are interested in getting, and comfortable range of budget. If your desired date and/or image has already been secured, I will gladly offer some alternatives that are available. Modifying flash (zeroing in on a part of an image, extending texture to blend more seamlessly with skin, etc) is always an option! I am taking customs within the realm of the subject matter I usually deal with: found/decayed objects and relics, marine/paleobiology, geology. If it involves a textural representation of the effects of time on an object/planet or if it looks like an alien life form, I’m usually interested! NOTE: If you have a specific custom concept inspired by or similar to a piece that you’ve seen me do, feel free to inquire- however, I never ever replicate pieces which I have made before, so please do not ask me to do so.
Upon receiving an email request to secure a piece and date, I will send back an intake form with information for you on pricing, process, etc, as well as some information for me that you can fill out regarding sizing, placement, accessibility and sensory needs, etc.
OPEN DATES: May 2nd, 11th, 13th, 18th, 20th, 23rd, 25th, 27th, and 30th.
Everything is going to be soooooo cool when I have my brain back. Until then I will be mindlessly marveling at the little tiny baby leaves that miraculously know to grow back every time, and I hope that you get the chance to do the same.
In awe and exploration but mostly just extreme fatigue,